
Project End Abusive Relationships Rodan School

Teenagers get into Early Dating and Relationship and most of them become heartbroken and finally abused in the process because they ignorantly or carelessly go into wrong relationships. Project End Abusive Relationships focuses on the effects and dangers of early dating Educating Students Of Rodan High School Lagos on Early Dating and Abusive Relationships.

Project prevent abusive relationships at jem royal sch

A lot of teenagers have feelings they can’t explain and this drives them into abusive relationships. We must educate our teenagers about the dangers of abusive relationships. This is the essence of Project Prevent Abusive Relationships. Educating students of Jem Royal School Ajah Lagos on the 23rd Of March 2019

Project End Abusive Relationship In Highlander School

Demonstrating the dangers of early dating. The stained shirt represents a teenager with a messed up life after involving in multiple abusive relationships. Dear teenager guard your heart and life from destructive and abusive relationships. A teenager will never have time for idle and destructive relationships if they are too busy in pursuit of academics, […]

COUNSELLING students of joach school lagos

The genesis of several teenagers dysfunctional attitude is caused by issues from home and abuse GOMT Counselling is committed in helping students come out of dysfunctional attitudes and resolving issues they go through especially from home. No child/teenager was created to be hardened or difficult. No child was created to be useless. If there is […]

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